Monday, July 26, 2010

Drawing parallels between the Giver and our world(:

The giver book really intrigued me so i tried to see what are the similarities and differences between the Giver's community and our normal life.
Well just like in the Giver all children go to school. There is a strict curriculm for every year and all students must be given education here and there. Students also undergo specialised training in their interested careers just like we do advanced studies in subjects we like. All students have to do volunteer hours to serve the community like we do now. However the community there is very old fashinoed too! For example there is very low technological level. People ride on bicycles. There is no internet, handphones and televisions. Can you imagine living in a world that seems so undeveloped?
However in the Giver there are elders to guide the younger ones just like in our world =). When Jonas felt worried about the ceremony of twelves his parents comforted him and told him about their experiences of the ceremony. In our world too, our parents help us when we face fear or failure. Yet there is no natural bond between the family. There is a strong line of distance in between the family even though it is tried to be eliminated by the community by getting family members to share their feelings every single day. In our life there is surely an unbreakable bond within the family. Most people are very close with their family and they stick together through ups and down , rooting for us :D.
But the greatest difference of all is the fact that the people there have very diluted emotions whereas in our world feelings and emotions are what make us humans! In our world we feel joy after sorrow, success after failure, acception after rejection but in Jonas's world everything a routine so there is no change in life. Hence they cannot feel the depth of emotions. Everything is already planned so people cannot make choices. However here, people have all the rights to make their own choices amd change their life.
Just like in the Giver we are also punished for our crimes.However the community there is a little more merciless than us because peoplewill be killed for commiting more then 3 crimes and one major offence. In our world we are also killed for major wrong doings but we are given more chances to learn from our mistakes and turn over a new leaf(:
Still , I would not want to live in Jonas's world because people there cannot hear one of the greatest gifts of god: music, they cannot see the beauty of vibrant colours, people cannot experience the joy after failure, they do not know how it feels to be loved by and so on.It made me realise what a free world we are in. Hence we should not take this world for granted and treasure every moment we live here =)


  1. Hello Sushma:D
    I have a one more point to add on to your post:p
    In Jonas' society, citizens did not remember more than one-generation memories. They knew nothing about the life before theirs.

    The Committee of Elders in Jonas' community decided to get rid of memory of a life filled with feelings and colours to create their "utopia". However, they failed to realise the importance of memory: how it was necessary to prevent repetition of mistakes. If you do not remember your errors, you may repeat them. The Committee of Elders in Jonas’ community realised this, so it designated a Receiver of Memory to hold memories of the community and the past. The Receiver of Memory gives the community valuable help by using wisdom from his memories. Without the Receiver, the community would have wanted to increase the population. But, because the Receiver had memories of famine and hunger, they avoided suffering through famine and hunger again. This shows that memories are indeed essential, and important in helping us prevent repetition of mistakes :D

    OH YEAH,
    memory in Jonas' community functions differently from memory in the real world. Only those with blue eyes have the ability to receive memory. Also, memory is a real experience in Jonas' community. For example, when Jonas remembered snow, he actually felt cold! :)

  2. Hey Sushma!
    I'm glad you listed out the differences between our world and Jonas's.
    True, Jonas's society may seem undeveloped, as there are no usages of handphones, computers or even television.
    However, think about the pills the people have to take! This seems like something that would appear only in a science-fiction novel or movie, as that seems to be one of the factors diluting human emotions. That stems physical attractions and desires, and is possibly a steriliser to ensure that there aren't shotgun cases.
    The "lack" of technology could also because the society is trying to go green and be eco-friendly. That way, it would reduce a lot of wastage of natural resources and electricity. Instead, they use highly advanced technology in other purposes, like installing speakers and surveillance cameras everywhere in the community. This ensures that everyone is under surveillance, and no rule-breaking occurs, and even if that happens, it can be quickly spotted, and the rule-breakers can be punished.
    All these lead to a very tightly controlled society. Thinking about it, Jonas's society seems very futuristic, and is something that may actually come out fifty years later! Just thinking about that gives people bad dreams...
    Because of all these, I feel that Jonas's society is one of very high technology.
    However, a bit of "magic" and power turns up in the ability that Jonas, the Giver and Gabe have to see colours, have memories, and to be able to give and receive memories from one person to another.
    This hence creates an air of mystery, yet interest in the book, as it is all very new, strange and exciting.
    I enjoyed, no, loved the Giver. Did you?? :D
    Love your wallpaper!!

  3. Hey Sushma :),

    I like the compare and contrast post you have done. It is pretty interesting. Well I do have certain opinions on your opinions (haha)…

    Firstly, I do not really feel that his society is under-developed. I think them having no vehicles, internet, hand phones and televisions has more to do with the community thinking it is unnecessary than them being under-developed. They decided to do away with these things just like they did with colours, weathers and books.

    Also the parents are not biologically related to them, and they never get to know their real parents. The comfort of any adult can never be the same as that from your birth parents. Thus, it is very sad that they do not live with their real parents, even though the ones that take care of them show sufficient guidance, affection and comfort.

    I totally agree with you about the diluted emotions and relationships. It is true that we are robbed of whatever makes us human when these vital, crucial components of life are diluted.

    The merciless and unforgiving quality of their community is also very sad. You are very right in saying that our world is a much better place to live in. This book makes me highly appreciate and honour my life too!


  4. What real ife crimes did the committee of elders commit?

  5. What are other similarities, that can also connect to history, modern day life, other books and movie. Because these are pretty basic.
